Friday, June 28, 2019

R4: Salty Scorpion

Bhark is still furious with Bhecno... XD
Bhark just went into aspiration failure. I can't remember why? But his mood had been terrible since he saw Bhecno cheating.

Babin is jumping on the pelts they sleep in and Bhaat is wondering if it's that fun.

They finally put their differences aside... <3

He tucks Bisu in.

While Bhark might have forgiven Bhecno, Bhaat is having none of it and won't sleep on the same bed as her, none of the other kids will either. He can sleep on the floor then. XD

Bhecno has a pregnancy scare, but luckily she pulls through.

And pop!

Bhaat WILL sleep with his father though.

I made a new waterhole, but forgot visitor controller so they left as soon as they arrived because of that....Babin is asking Bhecno why that male is dressed like that. Bhecno just told her to look the front and pretend she didn't see anything like the others. XD

Aaruh decided to have a breakdown on the Salty Scorpion's Lot

I agree Bhecno. She should have stayed at her damned lot. lol

Aaruh and Bhark get along well... Too well if you ask me.

Bhecno has yet another pregnancy scare. :(

But she pulls through again.

And gives birth to a very sickly baby girl


They get right back to work though. XD

It's time for Bhaat and Bhalo's birthdays.

First up is Bhaat. Babin and Bisu are playing in the background.

He wants to be surrounded by friends and is attracted to, I can't remember his preference, sims who are poor yet hard working and aren't fat.

And next is Bhalo.

I forgot to take a screenshot of her aspiration  and attractions. :O

Just a pic of the twins.

Bhecno finally feels up to doing things.

But she's pregnant again, so she needs to be careful since she has weak pregnancies.

Bhaat harassing his little sister Bisu XD

And Bhalo nurturing the same sibling. XD

We close the round by Azaah not being as amused by Bhaat's joke as Aaruh was. XD

Family members: G1: Bhecno (91), Bhark (90); G2: Bhaat (MT, 89), Bhalo (FT, 78), Babin (FT, 40), Bisu (FT, 66), Bhemgo (FS, 4)

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