Friday, June 21, 2019

R3: Shadow Sea

This was a hard round. T_T
I think in the picture Crulka was making fun of one of his babies. XD

Poor Celo. I have no idea why she's always stinky since they literally only have two girls.

Here is Culka being motherly.

And Crulka teaching his baby girl some life skills.

Cute Celo!

Culka is pregnant.

And it's birthday time!
Celo is a beautiful child.

And.... then this happens. So, lightning struck  the floor? and these three idiots (including Celo) stand as close as they can and Culka and Crulka catch fire. No one is there to put them out, so they died. It was also Candal's toddler birthday, but she was stuck for two days extra as a baby. I had to add a new member to the family so she could help with the birthday.

Culka and Crulka's graves.

Celo is very diligent now that she's the head of the family. Diyne watches her. XD

Here's Candal.

And that's... Xia (the one I made who wasn't supposed to be doing any of what she did...)

Celo and Candal spend a lot of time together.

And here is Xia trying to piss off Drek because he didn't want her hitting on him. XD

Bhark thinks Candal's drawings are hilarious.

And yes, Xia is having Bhark's sons. Xen and Xon.

Xia manages to start a fire. The girls are upset since that's how their parents died.

It was also Candal's birthday again... XD

Candal is happy about having food.

Celo fishes while Candal tends their little garden..

And Xia is reading Celo a bedtime story.

Family members: G2: Celo (FS,52), Candal (FS, 33)

Others: Xia, Xen (MT), Xon (MT)

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