Tuesday, June 18, 2019

R3: Grim Ash Clan

Eneeh spends some time with Ekma before the quads get bigger.

She also enjoys talking to her companion.

The quads grow up! Egad and Egah hugging.

Elva as a toddler.

Esgek and Egad!

Egad as  a toddler

Egah as a toddler

Eguh as a toddler.

Ekma also has a birthday.

TOddlers being cute!

And it's time for Eneeh to give birth again. She had a girl named Elina
The quads have another birthday.




Eneeh is not happy about having to sleep on a hard rock outside the cave. lol


Elina also has a birthday. (I'll post a better image next round XD)

Family members: G1: Eneeh (43), Esgek (81), G2: Ekma (FS, 84), Egad (MQ, 99), Egah (MQ, 8), Eguh (MQ, 31), Elva (FQ, 120), Elina (FS, 43)

1 comment:

  1. That first picture is so funny. They look so done with so many children.
