Monday, July 1, 2019

R5: Grim Ash Clan

I was sick of them being in the small lot cave. It didn't bother me as much with other families because they weren't as big as this one, but it was driving me crazy that they didn't have space to move. I moved all others into the same cave too.  I probably should have left the Shadow Sea's in the small one since technically it's just the two of them.

Eneeh is pregnant.

And she tells Esgek.

Ekma overhears and can't believe they will be one more. XD Girl, I am not ready either.

Eneeh and Elina spending some time together.

Celo is being friendly with Esgek. Is she working the men in the hood in an attempt to save her line? :O

It's Egah's turn to sleep outside, but

at least he doesn't have to sleep on the floor like Ekma and his father.

I was thinking, "Ekma is really good with her siblings... almost as if she's a family sim." *facepalm* She IS a family sim.

 They have space to run now! :D

Eguh specially likes their new chest table.

And it's time for Ecko's birthday.

And the quads have a birthday too.

Here's Egad. He loves resources and stinky sims who are good at cooking and not redheads.

Here's Egah. He wants many loves and is especially attracted to blonde creative sims who can't cook.

 Eguh... He wants to have many loves and is specially attracted to sims who don't wear underwear and are charismatic and like to clean.

and Elva... She loves to be surrounded by friends and is attracted to handy aliens who aren't poor.

She does love her money? lol

Elina out on the seating rock.

Girls Talk

And boys talk. I thought it was funny how this happened. XD

And Eneeh gives birth to a very sickly girl, Ehba.

It's a great family event since it's the 8th Grim Ash baby. Just two more to make their 10th child want come true.

But alas, it will not happen. At least, not for Eneeh since the birth sucked up her remaining health points.

Eneeh's tombstone.

It's a sad time for the clan. Ekma is a horrible mood and makes her siblings cry which makes them miss their mom even more.

Esgek is extremely sad.

So, I decided to take the teens and Elina to the waterhole. (Yes, I put the visitor controller in before I started the round. :D)

Ekma who is attracted to blonde guys starts to flirt with Drakzer as soon as she sees him.

Eguh doesn't think much of Celo. XD

While Elva seems to have taken a fancy to Bhaat.

Sadly, for her, it seems he's not interested and rejects her advances.

As soon as they arrive back home...

And our first G2 kiss Ekma and Drakzer!

And they went right to bed...

Esgek is looking like "are you really doing that to my daughter while I'm standing right next to you two?" And it seems Elina likes material resources as much as Elva does. lol

I thought the bird looked hilarious there.

The teens are very good at doing the clans chores and taking care of the younger siblings after their mother's death. Here is Eguh with Ehba.

Egad tending the garden.

Egah with Ecko.

And Egah also making food for the clan.

Here is our second G2 first kiss, Egad and Celo.

Sadly for them, they are both heirs, so unless Egad decides to give up his spot to Egah, they are not meant to be. But to be honest, I doubt he will since his brothers have kind of horrible healths, except for Ecko who is also doing pretty good.

Family members: G1: Esgek (68), G2: Ekma (FS, 96), Egad (MQ, 114), Egah (MQ, 28), Eguh (MQ, 32),  Elva (FQ, 120), Elina (FS, 24), Ecko (MS, 63), Ehba (FS, 8)

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