Sunday, May 24, 2020

R7: The Clay Sun Clan

Azda is pregnant.

Adi grows up to be a teen, her health gets a bit better.

Azda gets told off by her

Adi is talking about how her sister Azda is pregnant. Damn, Esgek was just about to turn into an elder when that happened yikes.

She starts a fire.

Azzah becomes an elder

Aeron becomes a toddler

Aeru also becomes an elder.
 Armir grows up too.

  I think she gave birth to triplets, Flumge, Frok, and Farbah. They are what I cal Generation 2.5 because their parents are G1 and G2 sims and she's not an heir to a cave.

 Alee has a birthday too.

And so does Azdor.

And there she goes again... She also had a birthday and is an adult now.

I think she becomes a pyromaniac when pregnant...

Azdor, I can tell you right now that unless you only want to make a heir with her, you need to look for a mate elsewhere because she's the heir of her clan. XD

Members: G1: Aaru (18), Azzah (70), G2: Azda (68), Azdor (98), Adi (21), Alee (4), Armir (58), Aeron (96), G2.5: Flumge (84), Frok (76), Farbah (41)

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