Monday, June 17, 2019

R2: All

Round two is going to be just a few shots like R1. XD 

I have no idea what I did with all the pictures I took. XD

Here's Ekma after her first birthday. She's freaking adorable and very healthy.

And Eneeh gave birth to quads, three boys of which one was super healthy and two sickly and a  healthy girl. T_T . I'm pretty sure I didn't take pictures here because they were barely surviving after they were born and I decided to cut the round short because I wasn't ready to deal with it all. XD

Family members (G1): Eneeh (59), Esgek (97), G2: Ekma (86),  Quads: Elva (89), Egad (90), Egah (15), Eguh (6)  

Here is super healthy Drakzer after his first birthday.

And Diyne giving birth. Luckily she only gave birth to a single baby who was blonde and brown eyed. Drab.

Yes, this is Drakzer, but they look exactly the same as babies. XD

Family members: G1: Diyne (92), Drek (100), G2: Drakzer (114), Drab (76)

Here's Celo as a toddler. She's sooo cute.

Culka is giving birth and has...another girl, Candal.

Family members: G1: Culka (90), Crulka (89), G2: Celo (51), Candal (38)

Here are Bhalo and

Bhaat as toddlers.

Eneeh visits and seems offended the babies soiled their diapers, so Bhecno reminds her "that's what babies do". XD

She then gives birth to twin girls Babin and Bisu.

Family members: G1: Bhecno (91), Bhark (95), G2: twins Bhaat (65), Bhalo (60), twins: Babin (52), Bisu (78)

Aele's a toddler too. She is very healthy.

She had a miscarriage scare.

She luckily completes her pregnancy and gives birth to healthy twins: a girl, Azda and a boy,  Azdor.

She then goes to the waterhole because she hasn't unlocked a pond yet.

Family members: G1: Aaruh (64), Azaah (97), G2: Aele (100),  Twins: Azda (81), Azdor (76)

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